Fittingly on Earth Day, this photo was taken exactly a year ago today, just days before I officially left the corporate world and started my own journey.
I remember the absolute serenity at (what felt like) the top of the world. Other than my wife by my side I was completely on my own and it was those most exhilarated I had felt for a very, very long time.
I’ve felt like that every day since, too.
It hasn’t gone exactly as I had planned at times
I have u-turned on a few things
I have said no to a few things as well
It’s taken longer than I had naively expected
I have never been happier
I could have followed my heart earlier than I did - but I wasn’t clear enough on what I wanted or brave enough to make it happen.
And that is essentially what I do now: help others connect to their own clarity, bravery & serenity, to embrace the energy that “fear” might be using to interrupt their potential happiness.
Happy (almost) Anniversary to me!