"You don't deserve success"
For the overwhelming majority of small business owners I worked with over the past twenty years - the key obstacle that has prevented them from achieving the success they deserve is the little voice in their own heads telling them they don't deserve it*.
That little voice is a liar.
Proof of how good you really are
The proof of just how good you really are, could be stuck behind a barrier preventing you from accessing your existing clarity and bravery... I can help with that barrier - that's what I do.
There is a body of evidence within your story so far that demonstrates your brilliance, resilience, capability - the fact you turn up every day shows that success is something you accomplish regularly.
It could just be that you have spent too long being hoodwinked by your chattering mind monkeys.
Top tips to moving past your hesitations
Here are three top tips to help you move past those hesitations and reframe your self-belief (if you've read some of my previous blogs, these might sound familiar):
Failure is an opinion, not a fixed destination - if you have chosen to take action; you will have moved forwards regardless of the outcome, plus you get to choose how you respond to that outcome. If it has moved you closer to your goal(s), regardless of the scale of its impact, it matters (and you have done good things!)
Focus on progress, not perfection - every action is a learning opportunity; proof that you are getting 'good enough' with every step. The bravery to simply 'try' is a demonstration of your intent and capability. Celebrate that
Ask someone else what they think - our brain is built to protect us from risk, and so we naturally pull back from the achievements or actions that might bring 'new magic'. A good friend, family member or colleague is not so 'restricted' in their belief of what you are capable of. Ask them what they would do if they were you and (if you trust their opinion) crack on and do it
Set some time aside to explore that 'proof'
Coming back to what I do - "The Three Secrets to Being Brave & Brilliant in your Business" is a recurring (and completely free) workshop that gives attendees space to focus on their own clarity, bravery and brilliance:
A 60min online workshop delivered via Google Meet
Limited to only ten attendees per workshop
Dig into your 'Big Business Wish', why that is important to you and your next steps to making it come true (once you feel more inclined to believe that you deserve it)
Dates for upcoming sessions this year:
Monday 9th December - 2pm UK (registration opens on 17th October)
Or get in touch directly if you'd like to begin the conversation sooner.
* Occasionally there have been 'little voices' from unhelpful others.
The curious thing is, as soon you start to challenge (and disprove) your own inner voice, you:
Very quickly prove those 'others' wrong, and/or
Become comfortable and capable of not listening to them again
You might also tell them to p*ss off as it's your story and not theirs - Either way works!