It's Monday morning and the week ahead looms large.
What is it you have planned to achieve by this coming Friday?
Does this plan excite you (if so, how much)?
On a scale of 1-10, (10 being "it's in the bag!") how likely are you to get it done?
There's a simple hack that I share with the brave and brill folk I work with, in terms of nudging that score closer to a ten (on the assumption you're not there already) and it's called "The Five Whys".
The Five Whys
Firstly check in with what it is you want to achieve and then ask yourself:
"Why is that important to you?"
Once you have your answer, then ask yourself "And why is THAT important to you?"
Repeat a further three times... It's amazing how things get real deep, real quick.
It's a play on clarity and bravery - the closer you are to what you REALLY want (and why that is so important to you that you're prepared to do the brave things to make it happen) - more likely it WILL happen.
You got this - Go find your fifth why!